Become A Member
Thank you for standing with Mindful Medicine. Your monthly contributions as a member helps us fulfill our mission of building a healthier, more effective medical community.
We have no endowment or fiscal sponsor, and the registration fees of our classes and retreats only cover approximately 50% of our total costs. To keep our programs running, we depend on yearly fundraising appeals, monthly giving, and the donations received at events.
Your support helps us meet the costs of running our programs including digital platform costs, rental fees for our in-person events, a modest hourly wage for our staff, as well as basic supplies.
Furthermore, becoming a monthly member helps us keep fees low for our CME offerings, as well as provide scholarships that cover the cost of our retreats.

Membership Levels
Become a member by donating the amount of your desired membership level. Donate online or by mailing a check.
If these options don’t suit you, you can make a donation without becoming a member.
$117.10 / month $1,405.25 / year
$24.33 / month $365.00 / year
$22.81 / month $273.75 / year​
$15.16 / month $182.00 / year
Fellow Traveler
$7.50 / month $91.25 / year
Donate Online Or By Mail
To make a donation by check, please send to:
Mindful Medicine
P.O. Box 13421
2425 NE 50th Ave
Portland, OR 97213
(If joining as a member, please indicate the
membership level in the memo line)
Thank you for your consideration. Your tax-deductible contribution will help us further our mission of building a healthier, more effective medical community.
About Your Donation
Donations to Mindful Medicine PDX are tax deductible under IRS 170(f)(8). Single monetary gifts under $250 do not require a receipt or tax letter to be claimed as charitable donations on your tax returns.
A portion of your membership may be tax deductible based on the amount paid less the value of benefits provided in return. The 15% member discount on retreat programming offered to Booster level members is considered a benefit. Please note that program prices and market values are subject to change. We recommend you consult a tax advisor with questions.
If you have questions regarding your donation, please contact mindfulmedicinepdx@gmail.com
Mindful Medicine PDX is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Tax ID: 463513976)